Green Heart Festival
8th June 2019
The Green Heart Festival launch weekend, 8-9 June 2019, brought the University of Birmingham campus to life with colourful tents, a main stage in the grass amphitheatre, a fireworks show, and spectacular performances from the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra alongside the University of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra.
‘Hertz’ Star machines captured the imagination of hundreds of members of the public. Who had the chance to hear, see and engage with the patterns of stars “singing”, as well as exchange with the artist Juliet Robson and Professor Bill Chaplin.
The festival is part of an ambitious year-long series of events celebrating the new Green Heart involving students, staff, partners and the local community.
Visitors said of the Star Machines:
“It looks like a diamond”
“It’s almost spiritual, amazing”
“Really fascinating”
“Amazing and impressive!”